Saturday, January 30, 2010 here is the "scoop"....pardon the food analagy, but I had to do it!!! Sometime during December I came across the movie Julia and Julia and thought her idea of cooking of everything in Julia Child's recipe book was such a fun idea....however, I am not a great chef by any sense of the imagination and those recipes are far more complex than I am willing to tackle, and perhaps a little more complex than my husbands palate will adjust to, but I am making a new goal....'tis the season right? is cook at least 3 different items a week from the World Wide Ward Cookbook. Now, why this cookbook you ask....couple of different reasons:
  • the recipes are simple
  • the recipes do not require a lot of preparation time beforehand
  • many of the ingredients I have on hand and will not require a late night run to the grocery store
  • I can cook least I hope!!!

Now, my husband has been kind enough to endulge me on this project...and let me splerge this week and by this beauty....can you say excited. Really, what does he have to loose right? Anyway, I have created this new blog to help me accomplish this goal and for a variety of other things.....

  1. to rate how well as a family we like the dish
  2. to remember useful tips or suggestions for next time
  3. to learn to plan out our family meals better to have more a well balanced diet
  4. to have fun creating in the kitchen as a family

so...tomorrow is the big day to start and I couldn't be more excited....I hope that you can take this journey along with us and perhaps be convinced at the end of it that there are some pretty great recipes that you need to try too!!!!

Happy Cooking......


  1. Let me know how it goes. I am desperate for dinner ideas. Maybe I will have to add that cookbook to the other ten I don't use.

  2. Love the idea! Can't wait to see what you come up with...always looking for more ideas to cook!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good for you. It sounds fun to try out new and different recipes. Keep us posted on which ones you like. That looks like a really fun cook book too!

  5. What a great idea. I thought about doing that but my life is way too stressful right now. You'll have to let me know how that goes. And let me know what you think of the cookbook. I thought about getting that one.
